Himiway Test Ride Spot Program The Himiway Rider Test Ride Spot program aims to build a platform for you and others to share your opinions and experiences as a bike owner. In addition, they offer a chance for those who are interested in learning more about Himiway e-bikes to do a test ride before buying.

How does the program work?

Firstly,  you need to fill out the form with some data, such as name, telephone, e-mail, purchased e-bikes, address, etc.

After your registration, we will display this information on our website


Interested customers who want to take a test ride can contact you by e-mail or telephone to make an appointment.

What Do You Get From Himiway?

After participating in our Himiway test ride spot program, you will receive 5000 Himi points as a reward.

If someone buys a Himiway e-bike within 30 days after the test ride, you will get a 5%-7.5% commission( 5% per sale if the sale amount is less than 2k, 7.5% per sale if the sale amount is more than 2k) reward from us.  As a prerequisite, you must register with our affiliate program: See below

How do you join our affiliate program?

To ensure your commission, you must first join our affiliate program. Click on this link https://af.uppromote.com/himiwaybike-ca/register and register.

We will process your request as soon as possible, then you will receive your own affiliate link.

If someone comes to you for a test ride, you can send them your affiliate link.

If someone clicks on your link and buys a bike, you'll get your above commission.

If you're interested, click the Sign Up button above and fill out the form to get involved.